三蕃市湾区新娘化妆发型攝影 韩式清新风格
7/17/2014 6:27 pm
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Tsaiti是位有氣質又體貼的新娘。她在Yelp上面看到我幫客戶處理的新娘妝和新娘髮型直說我有magic hand,所以在電話線上立即預約我的時間。在她婚禮的前幾週,我們有約在咖啡廳見面,聊聊她喜歡的新娘造型,讓我知道她的想法,我也可以順便看看Tsaiti的樣子。 她事前做了很多功課,找了目前最夯的韓式新娘妝和髮型給我參考,讓我清楚的知道她的喜好。 她的妝是使用airbrush,所以皮膚完美無暇像baby一樣。因為是鵝蛋臉型,將她的頭髮整個膨鬆地梳起來,搭配上她自己準備的水晶髮帶~整體看起來就非常清新有氣質。 Tsaiti was a very considerate and well-mannered bride. On Yelp, she saw my customer reviews that state I design bridal makeup and bridal hairstyles with a “magic hand.” Immediately afterwards, she called my phone number to make an appointment. In the weeks leading up to her wedding, we met at a coffee shop to discuss her favorite bridal styles. She let me know all her thoughts about different styles and see her natural, everyday appearance. She definitely did her homework beforehand, finding plenty of the hottest Korean bridal makeup and hairstyles to show me as a reference. Her research helped me understand her preferences clearly. We ultimately decided to do her makeup with airbrush, so her skin would be flawless like the skin of a baby. Because she had an oval-shaped face, I combed all of her hair back into a wide updo, and then added a dazzling crystal headband that she provided. Her overall appearance was very fresh and suited to her temperament. / / Mail
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