舊金山海外婚紗新娘妝髮台灣資深造型師 Selina Bridal Shop
9/23/2015 7:00 am
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Makeup & Hair: Selina Wu Location: San Jose, CA FB page: #San Francisco Bridal hairdo & make up stylist #美國新祕。加州新祕 # California makeup and hair stylist #舊金山新娘化妝造型師 # Bridal makeup and hair San Francisco #灣區新秘 #San Francisco Bay area makeup and hair stylist #灣區新娘化妝造型師 #海外婚禮 #San Francisco USA oversees wedding #海外婚紗 #San Francisco USA prewedding #宴會造型 #Party makeup and hair #孕婦寫真 #preganacy photo shoot #婚紗出租 #wedding gown rentals #服務全美 # Makeup and Hair service worldwide * 臺灣婚紗造型師,超過十年經驗 * 擅長自然丶清新丶持久的韓式妝感,搭配時尚髮型,顯新人的特色 * 推出化妝+攝影包套服務
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Click to enlargeMakeup/Hair/Phot by Selina